
January 7, 2016

The Water Balance Tool has been upgraded.

Features of the new version include:

  • Google Maps interface to allow users to zoom and search for properties
  • Zoning-based targets for rainwater storage and infiltration


Returning Users

Unfortunately accounts and projects from the old version cannot be automatically moved to the new site.

In order to continue using the Water Balance Express for Landowners, you must create a new user account.

If you had saved a project in the old version, you will need to recreate the project in the new version using the following steps:

  1. Login to the old version of the tool
  2. Open an existing project
  3. Print out a report which will give you the information (size, soil type, depth, etc.) about each feature (example)
  4. Use the information from the report to create a new project in the new site (example)

Please note that in some cases you may find that the targets for your property have been refined due to the more accurate, zoning-based mapping used in the new version.